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Meet Vanessa Nutters

Support Service for Health Academy Students
Vanessa Nutters

Ms. Nutters works to provide support service for Healthy Academy Students here at Tech, all of her work depends on the individual student, their needs, their current situation - a number of factors, essentially she works as a guidance counselor , providing all sorts of resources, information, and support for students. From being  just a listening ear, to helping students get organized, teaching them to advocate for themselves, acting as a bridge between teachers, providing internships, field trips, resume writing, after school study halls, life discussions, and the list goes on! You can reach Ms. Nutters in room 230 or reach out to her by email. Ms. Nutters favorite part of her job is seeing her students personal growth! She feels as if all of them are brilliant, and funny, and amazing, and she's grateful to have them in her life, Ms. Nutters hopes this for all her students, "Number one, I hope for all of their safety and health. I also hope that they never let the institution of the American High School kill their spirits when it comes to learning and education. High School sucks, and it gets hard sometimes, but there are a lot of amazing people that you will meet, experiences you will have and things you will do that will shape who you are. Look forward to those good times, take advantage of every opportunity you can, and question everything you learn in the process! Never stop learning about and teaching others about the things that you are interested in and passionate about, and always make connections between what you learn and the real world. I hope that all my students emerge from high school as true humanitarians, who care for and help one another in hard times, with their dignity and power in tact. I hope my students carry themselves as the kings and queens that they are, and never forget where they came from"

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